Course Description
The main objective of this course is to build up basic skills of communication in Japanese using appropriate speech levels in both writing and speaking for various social settings. This course covers Lessons 19 through 23 in the textbook Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Instructor Insights
Written Assignments
![A giant robot standing tall holding a saber in his hand with a purple sunset sky and pink clouds as the background.](/courses/21g-504-japanese-iv-spring-2020/6821953968338de4609fb17d224596b4_21g504s20.jpg)
A statue of the 18-meter-tall giant robot, Gundam (ガンダム) from the popular Japanese TV series Mobile Suit Gundam was erected at the Shizuoka Hobby Fair in Japan. (Image courtesy of easegui on Flickr. License: CC BY-NC-SA.)