Course Description
6.00SC Intro to CS and Programming has been retired from OCW. You can access the archived course on DSpace – MIT’s digital repository. Please see the list of introductory programming courses and other programming courses from recent years.
Course Info
![Photograph of a Roomba vacuum robot, virus model, MIT campus map, and Boggle game board.](/courses/6-00sc-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-spring-2011/150f1db23890c18ca7b3bdea6d64be88_6-00scf11.jpg)
Many of the problem sets focus on specific topics, such as virus population dynamics, word games, optimizing routes, or simulating the movement of a Roomba. (Roomba photograph courtesy of Stephanie Booth on Flickr; virus image courtesy of the CDC; Boggle photograph courtesy of Angelina on Flickr; MIT campus map image courtesy of RahulG on Flickr.)