Week 3: Illuminating What’s in the Dark—Anthropological Concerns and Approaches


Read all of Waterston, Alisse. Light in Dark Times: The Human Search for Meaning. University of Toronto Press, 2020. ISBN: 9781487508852. [Preview with Google Books].

Malinowski, Bronislaw. Argonauts of the Western Pacific, Benediction Classics, 2010. ISBN: 9781849026444. ISBN 0203421264 for Master e-book ISBN.

Explore on your own: “Fieldwork: Creating Anthropological Knowledge.” roadworkasia.com.


Due: Ethnographic Methods Presentation

You will choose a methodological technique in cultural anthropology and give a short presentation about it to the class. Your presentation should overview how the technique is practiced and also address the following questions:

  • What kind(s) of data does this method produce?
  • Are there limitations to this method?
  • What are its ethical dimensions?

You are encouraged to be creative with your presentation, as by doing a simulation or showing examples from ethnographic videos online.

*We will go over different options to present in our next class.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2023
Learning Resource Types
Design Assignments
Activity Assignments
Presentation Assignments