Work on the final project. We’ll talk about the Mongolia trip in class with Professor Manduhai Buyandelger and Naranbileg Dorjsuren, a resident of the ger district community.
Due: Prototyping Anthro-Engineering Presentation
Energy Ethnography Final Paper and Presentation—Two Options
For the final assignment, you will advance the development of a prototype—either “anthro-engineering” as an approach (Option 1) OR the development of a heating/decarbonization solution (Option 2). An 8-minute presentation will also supplement your written submission.
For Option 1, you will write a ~1200 word essay that articulates your take on anthro-engineering:
- How do you define anthro-engineering?
- What are its main principles and approaches?
- How can it be operationalized?
- What are its limitations?
For Option 2, you will devise a ~1200 word action plan for ethnographic research that you wish to conduct in Ulaanbaatar during the January IAP trip. Your research plan should advance understanding of a component of Ulaanbaatar’s energy landscape that may constrain the design of the molten salt heat brick or, more generally, inform the development of a decarbonization intervention in Ulaanbaatar. Research topics may include the following:
- Everyday household energy practices (i.e., stove use, insulation, alternative heating methods like solar)
- Politics or policies around ger district redevelopment/energy infrastructures
- The nexus of energy and health/wellbeing
- Non-governmental decarbonization solutions, interventions, and proposals (such as by Ureca, GerHub, or the Asian Development Bank)
- Transportation and mobility in the ger districts
Your plan should include the following:
- A well-defined research question
- Explanation of why you believe this question is worth asking (how is this project grounded in a particular anthropological or engineering concern?)
- Description of the evidence that will be sought
- A feasible plan for gathering this evidence (Who will be your interlocutors? How will you access them? What ethnographic research strategies will you use?)
- Discussion of challenges you anticipate and how you might address them (this may relate to time constraints, your positionality, ethical considerations, etc.)
Both options must substantively incorporate at least three readings or other course materials to justify your position/plan. Your grade will reflect the following:
- Knowledge and understanding of course material
- Analytical and critical thinking skills
- Use of relevant readings, case studies, or ethnographic examples
- Clarity of your position/plan
- Accurate referencing/citation